A walk in the park

Balade dans le parc

Enjoy the first rays of sunshine to stroll around the park in our nineteenth Castle and the Tower of Montaigne.

With an arboretum that will be provided to you home you will discover the different trees that make up our park.

Remember to greet Job "Carrot Juice" our two donkeys and our Viking Pony!

For your little ones, treasure hunts in the park, the Tower and the vineyards are possible on bookings.

This quest will be fraught with pitfalls, it will manage to find all the hidden questions about the area and answer a questionnaire to find out who the owner of the place and know his way of life ...

The little budding scientists, will be offered a reward at the end of the treasure hunt !

A walk in the park - Montaigne - Tour Historique - Site officiel

A walk in the park

Balade dans le parc

Enjoy the first rays of sunshine to stroll around the park in our nineteenth Castle and the Tower of Montaigne.

With an arboretum that will be provided to you home you will discover the different trees that make up our park.

Remember to greet Job "Carrot Juice" our two donkeys and our Viking Pony!

For your little ones, treasure hunts in the park, the Tower and the vineyards are possible on bookings.

This quest will be fraught with pitfalls, it will manage to find all the hidden questions about the area and answer a questionnaire to find out who the owner of the place and know his way of life ...

The little budding scientists, will be offered a reward at the end of the treasure hunt !